首页 > 其他类型 > 血腥小马宝莉 > 第86章 提亚拉的青春烦恼

第86章 提亚拉的青春烦恼(第2/10 页)

最新其他类型小说: MBTI的日常末世:手握酒店,在座的各位平身斗罗之我的攻击能爆属性为在空岛生存,连夜钓上神级武将一切从武动开始从巨人开始的无限试炼宝可梦:盘点小智高燃神兽战斗命运冠位指定Alter纸人追魂,铜钱问路御兽:我在末日养只猫星际时空,我是谁?网球:华国大魔王打服U18钟小艾给我生四胎关你侯亮平屁事萌学园之唯你星动霍格沃兹之从傲罗到教授黑暗时代:黎明前的征途进入无限流,团宠比反派更疯批叶罗丽:此世唯月玩梗梦比优斯僵尸:我在湘西炼尸仙

had read through whole series of Eva Wisdom.”

“kinda interesting for you ,how you gonna stop the evil siren from taking away this salior, depend on any tools?”Tiara asked , he flip over the biology textbook.

“two piece of wax、blindfold,, and some ropes. Pretened i was the observer to point out the truth .here’s another advice thata might make you feel upset: Try to make friend with her to build some emotional bonding. Wait till her attention fully drop down. Next step, you can build up a normal relationship to this siren with a pure heart, you are not came here to destroy any civilization. Oh, I can make up a motivation to explain why the caption with his seamen decide to equipped a ship for this voyage. And how e the sailor and the siren meet coincidencly. The sailor get out of the boat, force his friends to take a long plank as the bridge connect to the Siren.”

“Yeah she was sitting on a rock. In that way, the sailor ask the Siren to teach him how to sing.




